Saturday, 12 September 2009

Quest Seekers

Charlotte and Harry received there Medals and certificate this week for the summer team read challenge. Charlotte read 6 books in six weeks and Harry chose 6 books to be read to him, This is a great way to help Charlotte to concentrate on reading 1 book and not trying to read 3 at once because she is bored and It helps Harry to get into the spirit of reading, he loves being read to so will hopefully love to read as much as then rest of us.

The Challenges were all to do with a group of kids and their adventures with a dragon.

Each week when the child had gone into the library to say about their book they were given a new puzzle to do and hand back the next week, they collected stickers and they coloured in a Marker,in the shape of a book, this was then stuck on the poster on the library wall and the children got to move it as they moved up the scale.

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