Friday, 6 February 2009

Let It SNOW let it snow let it snow!!!!!!!

Woke up this morning to this!!!!

It Must have been about 3 inches thick, Cannot remember the last time we had snow that thick. The schools were closed so SNOW DAY for the kids

Sarah Loved it! She was still wanting to play long after Charlotte and Harry came in because they were cold. When I did finally decide she really should come in she Started screaming and kicking, She had a good tantrum.....As I say all fun and games.


Karen said...

Yeah!!! She's back ;D

I bet the kids had an absolute blast..hahaha

I heard about all thatsnow...crazy stuff for England don't you think?!

I'm sick of it myself :P

Bev said...

The kids loved it. As I said Can't remember last time it was as thick.But it has sent the whole place crazy roads are dangerous and schools were closed. quite glad it does not happen often it was a real treat for them. but now it is all frozen slush