Thursday, 14 August 2008

Why so hard!!!

Trying to take some nice pics of the children and their Dad,but it took some time and these are the best 2, if it was not one looking away it was one upsetting another. It's all fun and games in this house.

Went to the park to give Sarah a go on the swings. She absolutely loved it.

But I think Charlotte might be a bit big for them!!
The Children love the park, Harry Stands at the top of the slide for ages pretending that he is Sporticaus in his Airship, looking over Lazytown.
Charlotte loves to go high on the big swings but is still tying to learn how to swing herself, and get them both on the see-saw and it is a battle to see who can bounce who off!

1 comment:

Karen said...

that's funny about taking pictures. the second one is good even if Mark is totally squashed ;)

I took video of Kaeleigh on the swings too. It is so cute to hear them laughing.