Q. It's 16:00 and your son has fallen asleep What do you do?
A. You don't put him to bed, a lesson I learnt last night.
While pottering around in the kitchen I noticed it was very quiet. Charlotte was doing Arty stuff at the table Sarah was rolling around the floor ant there was Harry, fast asleep. now as I said what to do? I took his jumper off (which is quite a struggle he has a big head) I took his shoes off but no response moved him in to a comfortable position but no movement. He was out for the count. So I took him up to bed. What a kind mother i am. Ha Ha so I thought. My first mistake
It is now 23: 55 just been watching One night stand (Wrestling, whole new story but what a Swanton bomb) feeling very tired myself I started up the stairs and who was standing at the top about to come down You guessed it a very wide awake Harry
So brought him down gave him something to eat. and let him watch a DVD. (You don't need peppa pig this time in the morning)
It is now 2:00 Time for bed now, he just laughs. not impressed. Mistake No. 2 "come on Harry I'll go to bed with you" what with wanting to play, poke my eyes out and just plain fidgeting I gave up on that but when I left he screamed. in fear of the hole house waking I asked what he wanted.
"I want to go down stairs and watch telly" so off we went. I put on another DVD sat him on the Sofa and wait for it mistake no. 3 I went to bed
04:20 Charlotte woke me wanting a drink (that girl drinks like a fish) so went to get her one and realized what I had done.
TV off , Wii plugged in, Harry asleep holding Dads ipod and pen all up his arm. oops
So not sure how much sleep he had but I know I did not have much!! and what other surprises I will find ,Who knows!!!
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