Friday, 5 December 2008

It could have been worse! It could have been a knock at the door.

Where has the time gone, so much has happened. every time I sit down to write something something else is happening.

Let's start with this week...

I was busy at home sorting out kids and getting dinner ready when the phone rang a strange voice is on the other end Said

" Hello My name is... I am with your Husband he has just been knocked off his bike.... He is OK they are just getting him ready to put in the ambulance...

My heart sank, but just for a moment not that i did not care I just went in to auto pilot.

Right Kids- get them to Nan

Car put in some petrol

And get there safely

While I was getting ready the phone went again. As soon as I heard the voice I knew Marks Best friend had driven by the accident..She told me he was OK and was being put in the Ambulance. so with a little more reassurance auto kicked in a bit more.

So I got the kids ready and with out telling them Why I shipped them off to Nan. I saw now point in worrying them at this stage.

Filled up the car with petrol and started the 30 min drive to Huntingdon, It seemed to take forever but knew not to rush because I would probably end up in a bed next to him.

traffic was horrendous around the Hospital so Parked near the Park and walked down to A&E. When I entered A&E the receptionist said hang on a sec, and there i stood quite patiently and then asked how could she help. so I told her and she took me straight through

And there he was Sitting up in bed and when he smiled I knew he was OK..He was Checked over and was free to go. He told be that he had stopped at the roundabout, was about to pull off when the next thing he knew he heard a bang and as staring at the stars. A car had hit him from behind sending him off his motorbike, How she missed him I will never know he had a big day glow yellow coat on, it was this, the bike jacket and fleece and bike trousers and jeans that helped pad him out. I don't think he will ever complain about putting on all his gear again.

This all came about after Marks Mum lost her battle with Cancer. It has been over a month now but it has gone quite quick. She had been battling cancer for about 4 years. but was starting to find it very difficult to do very basic thing so on her last hospital appointment they recommended that she went in to Thorpe hall for some rest bite for her and for Family who had been helping her. She was not in there a week when she passed away in her sleep with Mark by her side. She will be sorely missed.

This hit Mark very hard especially when a week after she passed away Sarah began to walk. He was so upset he could not just pick up the phone to tell her or to go round and show her.

The funeral was very pleasant and Charlotte and her cousin had written poems to be read out. Her cousins poem was one that had been published with poems from school children in the county

Not sure what else has gone on these last couple of months have been a bit of a blur. Charlotte is getting on well in Rainbows. I have not even put this down that she had joined.
Charlotte Joined Rainbows at the beginning of the school year. It has been going about 21 years now. It is the one before Brownies the girls go until they are 7. They meet once a week and do lots of things. It is girls only so they have a nice environment without boys interfering. will have to write more later. Hope fully now with Christmas nearly upon us i should have some good blogs to write.

Monday, 20 October 2008

How bad Am I

I sat Down today to write about My little baby turning one and the fact that she has been in the wars a little but I was on Facebook and found out a friend of a friend has been to see NKOTB reunion in America !!!!!! How cool. Straight away I was on ticket master to see if they were coming here and they are, They are Coming in the new year, I was so excited can you guess what I asked Mark for, for Christmas lol. It defiantly brought back some memories, My first ever concert, Screaming..The noise I still remember the noise and girls fainting.

So Here's to Danny Donnie Joe Jon and Jordan
and Sarah's Birthday will follow shortly

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Ohhh How time flies!!!!

Just a little note to say how depressed I am feeling. Harry only turned 3 in June and has only been going to Nursery for about 3 weeks now, but I Picked him up at the end of the week and was handed his School registration pack.

It only seams like yesterday Charlotte started school and she has just started back in her 2nd year. Charlotte was 5 When she Started were as Harry will only have just turned 4

I know in the back of my mind that he does not start until next September but once Christmas is out of the way all the letters will start and then next thing I know it will be summer holidays again and Charlotte would have finished another year and Harry will have his school visits to look forward too!

Friday, 19 September 2008

Ohh it's a Stair gate!!!

I thought it was a hammock,
This little monkey of mine is trouble she pulled the gate down then climbed on top to go up the staires. I found myself a few weeks ago digging out the travel stair gate because Sarah mastered stairs. I had gone shopping and Mark was in the room with the kids he turned round to see where Sarah was and she was half way up the stairs, no trying one and falling just straight up! So when I got home I had to find the gate but that only stood so long!!!

This one should hold her a bit longer but if she is anything like her brother as soon as she can walk properly she will be carring somthing over to it to climb over!

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Charlottes 6th Birthday

Wow She is now 6. She had a lovely birthday party and I hope all of her friends enjoyed it. It was held at the Raptor foundation near us. The Party started off at11 :30 with a tour of the Birds they have, I was very surprised how well the children listened there was 14 Children aged from 3 - 13 and they all walked around nicely and listened to what the Lady had to say, She told them about the owls they had and which ones were in the Harry potter movies and where you could spot them(Did you know Hedwig changed sex 5 times in one film!) Then we had a look at the eagles and other birds of pray.
We then all sat on the benches to see a flying display.

This picture does the scenery no justice. To the left the land drops and you can see for miles all the fields of the surrounding area.
This was good they had owls fly over there heads literally My brother in law had his ear clipped by a wing, and watched as the 'trainers' flew the birds from one place to another. Again I was surprised at how well they sat and listened, well they did for the half hour. then they started to get a bit restless but then so did us adults. the last thing they did was let all the children hold and owl on their arm. It was only a tiny one but Charlotte said it was still heavy. They had to wear a little glove it as so cute.
(Will put on video clip when work out how! All the others have been from my camera.)
They then all sat down for food that was a nice quiet affair. The food was good and the plates were full so the kids enjoyed them. Followed of course by Ice cream and birthday cake.
Once the Party was over we were free to roam the place our self. There was a small play area which the kids took full advantage of an there was a big pond a bridge over it where you could feed the fish. The children had started to go home in dribs and drabs since the food had finished so by the time we got to the fish there was about 5 kids left so we all gathered round to feed the fish, they went mad they were thrashing around to get it. there big mouths opening. this made the children laugh. I think we finally got home about 4:30 so it was in all a good day.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Just love this picture and had to share!!!!

Team Read

Team Read is a project done by the libraries. Not sure how widespread it is but I know it covered all of Cambridgeshire. It's aim is to encourage reading. The task is to read 6 books in six weeks. Which does not seem too hard but when you are only 5 and only been reading for less than a year it is no doubt hard work. There is no rules on the books you can read so the task is really as hard or easy as you make it.

So here is Charlotte After she got her medal and certificate. (pulling a funny face yet again) I was very proud of her and when she came home from her first week at school she had jumped 3 levels in reading books. I was not really surprised though She loves reading, She reads everything, Signs we pass, junk mail through the door, cereal packets,Sky TV banner(that ones not so good) and she loves her books.

Not sure where she gets her academic streak from must be her Dad, She loves school and could not wait to go back. I think this is a very good idea. It is run in the 6 week summer holidays and I think it helps parents make time to sit with there child and listen to them for a little while, I know in my house it is manic and not much quiet time going on so it was nice at the end of the day with the youngest ones in bed to sit down with her and hear her read. Mark also sat with her a lot, he is a great believer in reading for enjoyment and this gave them some great quality time together without the others fighting over Daddy's attention.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

New School year

Don't they look like they are going to miss each other?

Charlotte Started her second year at school last week and Harry has started nursery this week. He is doing 3 mornings a week, Tue,Wed and Thursday. 9:15 till 12:00. What with Sarah still having her morning naps what am I going to do with myself?..........That's it relax(I wish, need to find out where I can get some house work fairies) and build up my energy for the afternoon. Harry will probably come home hyper as does Charlotte, Sarah is now walking around the furniture and is tall enough to reach most things I forget to put away!!!!
So as usual all fun and Games!

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

I Really Must remember to put things away and well out of reach. Harry came in from the kitchen looking very white, He was covered with sudocrem (Nappy rash cream)All over his face and arms............Thought that was bad enough went in to the kitchen and it was all up the door. some times I wonder what goes through their mind!!!!!

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Sunny Hunny! How we love it lol

Braving the beach. They dug holes and built sand castles all with the lovely see 'breeze' blowing around them.

We Had gone to the sea life centre before we headed to the beach The kids loved this they liked looking at the fish in their tanks and all the different colours and shapes Harry's Favorite was the 'Nemo' fish and Charlotte and Marks was the Hammer head shark that swam over us as we walked through the shark tunnel. I just loved walking through the tunnel the whole feeling was lovely all the fish and sharks swimming around and above you.

and to end the day you have to have an Ice cream!!!!

Friday, 15 August 2008


I have no pictures at the moment but would just like to add a little note for My cousin Katies dog Penny who sadly passed away, She was comming up to 13 years of age and has been a part of Katies life since she was 7. She passesd away peacefully curled up in her basket with Katie at her side.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Why so hard!!!

Trying to take some nice pics of the children and their Dad,but it took some time and these are the best 2, if it was not one looking away it was one upsetting another. It's all fun and games in this house.

Went to the park to give Sarah a go on the swings. She absolutely loved it.

But I think Charlotte might be a bit big for them!!
The Children love the park, Harry Stands at the top of the slide for ages pretending that he is Sporticaus in his Airship, looking over Lazytown.
Charlotte loves to go high on the big swings but is still tying to learn how to swing herself, and get them both on the see-saw and it is a battle to see who can bounce who off!

Monday, 4 August 2008


For some time now Harry has had a split toenail, it ran right across the big toe, not sure how he did it but it was probably Dropping something on it or kicking something, usual boy things, but yesterday Charlotte came running in from out side to say Harry was bleeding, When I went out to check it out he was standing there just looking at his foot, I got him sat down and went to hold is foot too have a look, That's when all hell broke loose, He screamed at me not too touch his toe, he kicked with the other foot so i picked him up and put him on the sofa. there he sat and fell asleep. i think that must of hurt bless him Once he woke up he has been fine took him to the doctors and they said it should grow back OK and game me some cream to put on which I think I will have to do while he is asleep, He is OK running around but you even think of touching it and he has a fit.

But on a brighter note We went to Peterborough Central Park

We had a lovely afternoon. the sun was out but not too hot there was a nice warm breeze, so My friend Tanya and I packed up our kids and off we went calling in to the golden Arches on the way as you do.

The three girls had a great time splashing around in the paddling pool, thought it might be a bit cold for Sarah but she loved it could not keep her out of it, if we lifted her out she kept crawling back.
Where as Harry found this Jeep that was mounted on springs, He loved it he was on in from the moment we got there until we moved on to a different part of the park. In the area we were in there was a big sand area the paddling pool and some little kid toys/bouncy things and a slide but he did not care he just wanted the jeep. Once we had been here for about an hour we moved on to the climbing area of the park this was a good sized area with lots of things to climb so they ran about here and climbed on the climbing frames, then Tanya and I decided we needed a cup of coffee so we headed to the cafe and had a cup of coffee and a slice of cake while the kids had an ice cream. Much to the kids disappointment we then decided it was time to head home. I thought this might wear them out but i think my kids are solar powered, they just kept going and going....

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Sarah has pulled herself up by the bottom step
What more can I say but Here we go again and Where did I put that stair gate?

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Sarah has just moved to a front facing Car seat. She lookes so small (if my children can ever look small)but not like a baby anymore. Can't believe she is now crawling in the traditional sense rather than pulling herself along on her tummy. She is also able to sit herself up from crawling and is trying to pull herself up from anything she can grab on too. She now has 8 teeth and 4 more coming through. the other 2 did not have their 1st teeth till about now.
I hate dummies
All three of my children have had, and Sarah still has a dummy in some ways they have been wonderful They calm an upset child they calmed all the babies when they were changing to bottles and they helped all of them go to sleep but........
When you cannot find them at all goes wrong. This sums me up to T
Monday morning took Sarah out of her cot and sat her down in the living room. She smiled at me and I went to get her breakfast. She ate her breakfast all 1 1/2 weatabix and cried for more so I gave her, her dummy while i got her drink, The other two are now up and this is where things get hectic. So while getting 3 kids washed and dressed and to the back door I have lost her Dummy. This would not normally be a problem but this was her spare one. She threw the other out sometime on the way home from school the other day. So i checked the cot the floor blamed the kids for hiding/throwing it usual stuff. but nothing was said or found. No worries i thought We are going to parent club after the school run so that should keep her occupied, so she moved around their and plenty of people were picking her up and hugging her, but near the end she was getting grumpy so we headed back home, she nearly drifted of but when we got home she woke up. so i put her in her cot and she screamed i had another look round but could not find it got Sarah up and decided i would have to go to the shop and get some more. as I was getting Harry ready Sarah was sick so I started to get her changed and guess what....
Yes it was in the leg of her Dungarees... Poor girl had that in there all morning no wonder she was getting grumpy...

Friday, 18 July 2008

Sarahs first hair cutSarah and our hairdresser
8 1/2 months old and already had a hair cut. She is such a happy baby but we were not sure how to go about cutting her hair
We settled on Sarah sitting sideways on my lap and me holing her bottle for her(she can only feed herself laying down at the moment) Our hairdresser is amazing all the children love her she is so quick.
So a quick whip round and all is done just in time because the bottle is just about to run out. but as you can tell a good result and everyone is Happy.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

1st School year....

Well Charlotte is just about to finish her 1st year at school. Does not seem 2 min since she started.

My little girl has gone from a sweet child who's clothes drown her to
A diva with attitude

I am so proud of her though she has done really well. Her school report was amazing not a bad or negative thing said about her. Talk about teachers pet.

Teachers favourite moment: When the teacher was feeling a little unwell and was struggling to sing Charlotte stood up and said Don't worry Mrs Houlden you sit down and have a rest I will take over the class!!!

And she probably would. this shows how forward and confident she can be but this also shows her caring side, She is like the mother of the class and is always looking out for her class mates.

She had her award ceremony at school to receive her medal for the fun run she did, decided not to add pic, she looked so miserable she does not like things like that she hates anything where she has to sit still and quiet. she says the worst part of school is registration for this reason.

In some ways she has grown up so much, she can read and write quite well just needs some help with spellings and the English language if full of words that are said different to how they are written which of course confuses them.

but in others she is quite babyish, whining ,winging and is quick to lash out at Harry but will soon cry if he hits back but i put this down to arrival of Sarah She came along at a hectic time, Charlotte started school and we moved house. she has always been older than she should be and i think when they are like that you get used to it, so when they act there age you think it is a bad thing.

Well Here is to her 1st year and now we have the 6 weeks holiday to look forward to, oh how i am looking forward to this, Harry and Charlotte have way too much energy that is good for them and now Sarah is mobile( She pulls herself along on her tummy ) I spend most of my time moving her away from thing she should not have or be near. She loves going in to the kitchen but if i shut the door or put up the gate she cries and head butts it in the hope i will move it.

Well here goes....

Friday, 4 July 2008

If you are going to be an embarrasing parent you might as well start young!!!!

Both Charlotte and Harry have been through this now it is my time!!!

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

What a Weekend!!!

Bon Jovi - The Lost Highway Leads to London Tour

Mark and I went to this on Saturday with two of our friends It was amazing The stadium is Massive and can hold up to 82 thousand There was not that many there but it was not far off being full I'm sure. They were everything I expected, Loved singing along to the old stuff and listening to the new ones. At one point Mark and I stood by the bar watching the aircraft fly in to Heathrow and looking around at the scenery it was cool.
They were supported by The Feeling. They were also amazing, it is one of these bands I have heard of but could not tell you what they have sung, but once they started i was sinning along to all of them, I knew all of there songs without realising it, really must get there album I really enjoyed them
Lazy Town
For Harry's 3rd Birthday we took him to see the stage show of Lazy Town, Now this was a good show, It was all actors and no puppets and they were sooo funny, They were so over the top Mark and I were laughing more than the kids. I did surprise me though that the kids sat still and watched it, Harry's eyes never left the stage he was even shacking a little with excitement but this meant when Sporticus asked all the kids to get up and help practise exercising and his moves with him they did not move. They were in ore of it i think. but it has nearly been a week now and Harry has not stopped talking about it and Charlotte and Harry both want to go again next time it is on.
On Sunday morning it was my friends leaving party, After 3 years of being in England Her family has been posted to Armenia, Her actual leaving Party was a nice affair but We were only there a while because we had lazy town to go to but Monday was a different story. We attend a toddler group at our local church although we got through it there was tears at the end when it really hit home that I would not see her for a very long time once she had left the church.
All I can say is thanks to the makers of the things like face book and the Internet in general that help people stay in touch. :o(

Friday, 27 June 2008

And Their off

Charlotte's first Sports day and She won the sack race. I think it was because she had to concentrate, The fancy dress race she was too worried about whether the things looked OK, The straight race she was too busy looking at everyone else and the bat and been bag race she and two others were talking and plodding along like it was a Sunday stroll.

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Lucky mummy made it cheese and broccoli and not a tomato based sauce or I would be in a right old mess!!!
After the slow attempts of Harry Sarah thought it was time she took things into her own hands, quite liturally

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Can I feed Sarah

Harry asked if he could feed Sarah

Reluctantly I said yes

He was doing alright until he posed then.....

She got bored and decided to do it herself, with her hands.....

Monday, 9 June 2008

And Their Off

What a start to a lovely day. Charlotte and Mark took part in their first Fun Run. It took them 20 min to run 1 1/4 miles. Mark said he was very proud of her because she did run most of it and ran quite fast which surprised him.

He is not the one who has to constantly tell her to walk every where, She is always way in front of us. if she carries on like this she will be at school before the rest of us leave the house.

After the run we took a walk to our Friends who were having a yard sale. After 3 years they are off to Armenia, Just slightly different from here. They will be missed very much. I have watched her 2 boys grow from toddlers and her little girl who was born here will be 2 soon, how time flies.It was such a lovely Day, The sun was shinning the Brass band was playing on the church green and the children were playing so nicely, Sarah and Avery slept for most of it, which was quite nice gave us parents a chance to chat.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Q. It's 16:00 and your son has fallen asleep What do you do?
A. You don't put him to bed, a lesson I learnt last night.
While pottering around in the kitchen I noticed it was very quiet. Charlotte was doing Arty stuff at the table Sarah was rolling around the floor ant there was Harry, fast asleep. now as I said what to do? I took his jumper off (which is quite a struggle he has a big head) I took his shoes off but no response moved him in to a comfortable position but no movement. He was out for the count. So I took him up to bed. What a kind mother i am. Ha Ha so I thought. My first mistake
It is now 23: 55 just been watching One night stand (Wrestling, whole new story but what a Swanton bomb) feeling very tired myself I started up the stairs and who was standing at the top about to come down You guessed it a very wide awake Harry
So brought him down gave him something to eat. and let him watch a DVD. (You don't need peppa pig this time in the morning)
It is now 2:00 Time for bed now, he just laughs. not impressed. Mistake No. 2 "come on Harry I'll go to bed with you" what with wanting to play, poke my eyes out and just plain fidgeting I gave up on that but when I left he screamed. in fear of the hole house waking I asked what he wanted.
"I want to go down stairs and watch telly" so off we went. I put on another DVD sat him on the Sofa and wait for it mistake no. 3 I went to bed
04:20 Charlotte woke me wanting a drink (that girl drinks like a fish) so went to get her one and realized what I had done.
TV off , Wii plugged in, Harry asleep holding Dads ipod and pen all up his arm. oops
So not sure how much sleep he had but I know I did not have much!! and what other surprises I will find ,Who knows!!!

Monday, 2 June 2008

Still can not get a nice pic of all the children together....
But here are my two lovely little girls
and my guitar playing pirate....

Thursday, 29 May 2008

What a friend!!
My friend Helen brought me this for my 30th Birthday.
This is me doing my indoor skydive in Milton Keynes. It was amazing. It was such a strange feeling. You have a meeting before hand, telling you about it and the various hand signals they will use. but once you are in there it all gets lost and you tend to go with the flow.I would recomended it it was such a rush...
This is one of the only nice pics I can get of all three children where one is not crying or pulling silly face