Monday, 20 October 2008

How bad Am I

I sat Down today to write about My little baby turning one and the fact that she has been in the wars a little but I was on Facebook and found out a friend of a friend has been to see NKOTB reunion in America !!!!!! How cool. Straight away I was on ticket master to see if they were coming here and they are, They are Coming in the new year, I was so excited can you guess what I asked Mark for, for Christmas lol. It defiantly brought back some memories, My first ever concert, Screaming..The noise I still remember the noise and girls fainting.

So Here's to Danny Donnie Joe Jon and Jordan
and Sarah's Birthday will follow shortly

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Ohhh How time flies!!!!

Just a little note to say how depressed I am feeling. Harry only turned 3 in June and has only been going to Nursery for about 3 weeks now, but I Picked him up at the end of the week and was handed his School registration pack.

It only seams like yesterday Charlotte started school and she has just started back in her 2nd year. Charlotte was 5 When she Started were as Harry will only have just turned 4

I know in the back of my mind that he does not start until next September but once Christmas is out of the way all the letters will start and then next thing I know it will be summer holidays again and Charlotte would have finished another year and Harry will have his school visits to look forward too!